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  • Writer's pictureBrandon


Welcome back to all who FOLLOW!!! For those who don't I am Brandon with BAD Tech & Gaming where we bring our passions to life!!!

Today is special!!! Throughout this month we have been posting updates about our Minecraft realm and some of you have even joined us (Thank you). However, we have been turning g our Realm into a Halloween themed city complete with haunted houses/graveyards/trails/ even some statues.


If you read past blogs you can catch up on it.

Today is where the Halloween portion comes to an end and where we will move on to another theme.

So let's break down this ceremony first things first we had 4 builds from 4 different people. Some simple some more complex.

The 4 people are


Toast Guy



Before we begin I just wanted to say thank you to everyone who helped this was a ton of fun to watch get built over time!!!!!! Also there are pictures to help you guys see what I am describing.

Let's begin

Mlounz is the winner with him creating a more elaborate walk through haunted house than the rest.You start by walking up to a huge house with a rather nice courtyard area. Then there is a ladder for you to climb which you find after a minute of walking around. Once you get to the top of what looks like the attic of the house you are then greeted by a sign warning of what's to come a bit. Directly ahead it looks like a nether explosion has taken a chunk out of the roof which prompts you to walk to the right where there are 6 chanting pumpkin statues which is creepy on it's own. The only way to continue forward is to fall down a hole where there is some odd hole in the house which looks like more nether explosion. Naturally you walk through this hole only after 10 blocks to fall into a trap triggered by a trip wire. You fall take a half heart of damage greeted by more signs. It is a hallway that is the only way out, so you follow the hallway eventually greeted by a water wall you must swim through. Immediatly after that greeted by more signs there is a fire which you try to jump over but unfortunately can not. While on fire you run past a sign asking if you are cold which is fitting as the room turns blue. Up a few blocks to the left is a door which at this point you will not be happy about opening. Once doing so there is a ton of statues with different freaky masks on down a long long hallway. Sprinting past them you will find the end which there is a sign stating you survived this time hahahahahaha.

Overall this gets a 9.0 out of 10 Great Job

Toast Guys nether was awesome, it was in the normal work but he made a tunnel that looked as though the nether was coming to take over all of Minecraft. This was really well done and definitely made me think twice about what would happen if that actually happened.

This gets a 8 out of 10.Very well done

Golden's creepy house was small but effective. You walk in and it is what looks like a dungeon with a holding cell on the right and a death table straight ahead. There is even a head rest which I am scared to ask what it is for.

Golden gets a solid 7.5 out of 10 for pure creativity

BANES SKULL is extremely detailed!!!!!! He did an amazing job on it.

7.0 out of 10 great job!!!

I hope you guys liked what the community has done!!!!

We will be starting some new challenges shortly so be sure to follow to keep up to date!!!!

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